Magesh Ramachandran
R. Magesh (b. 1987) holds an MVA degree in Painting from the Maharaja Sayajirao University, Baroda, India (2012). His works have been part of several exhibitions including Mindful Medium Material, Gallery 079|Stories, Ahmedabad (2022), A Melange, Palette Art Gallery, New Delhi (2022), India Art Fair, Palette Art Gallery, New Delhi (2022), 62nd National Exhibition of Art, Lalit Kala Akademi, New Delhi (2022), Imagining a Forest, Conflictorium Museum of Conflicts, Raipur (2022), and From where all that sweat, Amuseum Gallery of Modern Art, Trivandrum (2022) to name a few.
Magesh’s works seek to express the fragility of our existence and are derived from notions of transcendence. Animals have always been a predominant part of his work as he is interested in the qualities that each kind possesses and how they correlate with us as humans.